Hello, dears!
Excited sekali nih saya minggu
ini karena bakalan share tentang idioms! Biar kosakata Bahasa Inggris kita
makin banyak dan kaya ya. Ngomong juga biar bagus gitu kalau disisipin sama
idioms. Idioms ini juga bisa dipakai saat test IELTS. Pokoknya kita wajib
banget tahu. Dan saya akan share tentang 30 idioms. Tapi sabar, biar tertancap
di sanubari, saya kasihnya setengah setengah dulu ya. Yuk mulai 15 idioms kita
minggu ini.
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Sumber : https://www.eslbuzz.com/the-30-most-useful-idioms-and-their-meaning/ |
1. A bitter pill : Kenyataan pahit
(A situation or information that
is in-pleasant but must be accepted)
- Getting a poor performance
review was a bitter pill to swallow, but it made me a better worker.
2. Action speaks louder than words : Aksi nyata lebih diliat daripada hanya bicara.
(People’s intension can be judged
better by what they do than what they say.)
-You said that you will buy me a
book. Remember that actions speaks louder than words.
3. A dime a dozen : Biasa aja
(Very common and no particular
-Romantic movies are a dime a
4. Add insult to injury : melakukan sesuatu yang memperburuk keadaan; sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga pula.
(To act a way that makes a bad or
displeasing situation worse/ said when you feel that someone has made a bad
situation worse by doing something else to upset you)
- I was already getting late for
work stuck in the traffic, and to add insult to injury, I was stopped by the
police for speeding
- They told me I was too old for
the job, and then to add insult to injury, they refused to pay my expenses!
Source: theidioms.com
5. All ears : benar benar mendengarkan
(Listening intently, fully focused
or awaiting an explanation)
-Honey, I’m all ears. Please tell
me what happened.
6. Barking up the wrong tree : Menuduh orang yang salah/berpikiran salah tentang seseorang
(Looking in the wrong place,
accusing the wrong person)
-You’re barking up the wrong tree
if you think I am the one who stole your book.
7. Beat around the bush : ngomong muter muter
(Avoiding the main issue, not
speaking directly about a topic)
-When you deliver a presentation,
please don’t beat around the bush!
8. Bed of roses : Situasi hidup yang serba mudah
(An easy, comfortable situation or
an easy life)
-If I had a lot of money, I would
be in a bed of roses.
9. Best of both worlds : Hampir sama dengan pepatah “Sekali mendayung dua tiga pulau terlampaui”/mendapatkan dua manfaat sekaligus
(To get all the advantages of two
things at the same time/ a situation in which you can enjoy the advantages of
two very different things at the same time)
- We have the best of both worlds
here — it’s a peaceful village but we’re only twenty minutes from the town
- She works in the city and lives
in the country, so she gets the best of both worlds
10. Bite off more that you can chew : Melakukan sesuatu yang terlalu berat/tidak bisa dilakukan.
(To try to do something that is too difficult for you)
-I bit off more that I could chew when
I did three jobs in a day.
11. Call it a day : mengakhiri kegiatanmu karena capek/tidak mau meneruskannya lagi.
(to stop what you are doing
because you do not want to do any more or think you have done enough)
-After working as a teacher for 15
years, she thinks it’s time to call it a day.
-I am a bit tired now. Let’s call
it a day!
12. Can’t judge a book by its cover : Tidak bisa menilai seseorang dari penampilan luarnya saja
(said to show that you cannot know
what something or someone is like by looking only at that person or thing's
13. Cat nap : tidur sejenak/tidur kilat
(To have a short, light sleep, a
- I had a cat nap during the
afternoon so I would feel refreshed in the evening.
14. Couch potato : pemalas
( A lazy person)
- The only thing you do all day is
watch TV. You’ve become a real couch potato, haven’t you?
Cry over spilt milk : meratapi hal yang sudah terjadi dan tidak bisa diubah lagi; nasi telah menjadi bubur.
(Being upset over something that
has already happened and cannot be changed)
- It's no use crying over spilt
milk. Just let it go.
YASSSS! Hari ini kita jadi tahu 15
idioms Bahasa Inggris yang paling sering digunakan. Saya yakin pasti ada
beberapa yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita macam cry over spilt milk,
couch potato, can’t judge a book by its cover (yang paling ngeghits ini) dan
yang lainnya. Minggu depan, kita kembali belajar 15 idioms lainnya.
Stay tuned dan selamat belajar!
References :
Wah, banyak idiom yg belum aku ketahui nih. Paling sering denger sih yg can’t judge a book by its cover. Lumrah banget ngedengernya. Ditunggu 15 idioms berikutnya.
BalasHapusSiap mbak Nurul selamat belajar!
Hapusbaru denger bu
BalasHapusdulu sering pakai kata-kata cat nap, wkwkwk. sering salah diartikan sama kucing tidur, padahal mksdnya tidur sebentar, biasanya buat tidur siang sih ini. biasanya pas sekolah kalau lagi istirahat, hihi. makasih mba ilmunya.
BalasHapusasyik belajar bahasa inggris bersama bunda julio. Ternyata ada idiom,..duh dah lupa euy mbak, makasih sudah diingatkan kembali melalui tulisan ini :)
BalasHapusSaya paling lemah dengan idiom, suka bingung sendiri *pengakuan* hihihih.
BalasHapusMakasih sharingnya ya Mbak :)
Belajar idiom, duh hrs sering diulang dan latihan spy ingat.
BalasHapusMantul ba , sy mau nulis ttg b inggris g jadi terus, hehehe
BalasHapusJadi tahu lagi beberapa idioms yang bisa dipakai selain don't judge a book by its cover hehehe makasih infonya Mbak
BalasHapusSeringnya yang dipake cat nap hehe sejenak dululah hehe dulu pas masih ngantor kalo udah jam-jamnya istirahat ato abis sholat ashar mulaikan ngantuk melanda hehe
BalasHapusDari 15 idiom di atas yang paling sering saya dengar yang don't judge book a by cover. Tapi idiom di atas pake kata can't sama saja ya mbak?
BalasHapus👍👍 thanks for sharing Miss. Barakallah🤗🤗
BalasHapusIdiomnya nambah lagi nih. Thanks mba sharingnya.
BalasHapusDari 15 idiom hanya 4 yang aku sering dengar dan lihat. Makasih mba Meykke, jadi ingat pelajaran bahasa inggris SMP dan SMA :)
BalasHapusAsyik.. Jadi belajar lagi deh. Makasiy ya mba
BalasHapusWahh, bisa intip-intip blognya Mba Meyke nih buat nyari idiom. Bermanfaat banget mba.itung-itung belajar lagi hehe
BalasHapusMakasihhh mva...jd inget lagi ada bbrp yg dilupakan 💖💖