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Rabu, 18 September 2013

It has been almost three weeks I work here, so far away from my family, from my house. And it has been a month living so far away from my safe box.

Well, I am working in one of English course in Cibubur, Bekasi. Now for the first time of my life, I live by my on in one of the simple boarding house. I never left my house for more than a week. And now, in my 22 years old, I have to try something so new. And I start here.

It is not easy for me. Something new never be easy. I used to gather with my family every day. I cannot cook any meal. Well, I was not independet. There was my mom preparing everything for me.

And now?

Every morning I have to prepare food by myself unless I cannot eat. I prepare everything I need without anyone helping me. Every night I have to wash my clothes, wash dishes, and cleans my bedroom. Nevertheless, it is okay for me. I can do that, and leaving in boarding house is something I want somehow!!
But the problem is when I wake up in the morning. I feel like ‘where am I?’, why do I live in the strange place with many strangers around me.

I feel blank. Noone is around me, strangers are around. Then I will miss my mother, my father, my little sisters, I miss my bedroom, I miss my colleagues, I miss the cold I used to feel in the morning, I miss the breeze, and well, I miss my safe box!

Then I cannot be relaxed, my heart beats fast, and I am confused what I’m gonna do.

I realize that I AM HOMESICK!!

Nowadays I cannot post any blogs. It is not because I have no story to share, but sometimes I lose passion to write, so busy with my own thoughts. I’m thinking about the steps I take now whether it is the best or not, whether it is worth-doing or not, whether I can do it or now, so many thoughts.

Sometimes, after my mom calls, I cry without even knowing why I have to cry. I cry easily.

Thus, I want to get over all the useless thoughts I have to move on here, to have a new brand day with full of spirit, to soar as high as possible, to reach every dream I have set up, to do everything I want!!

Well, I hope so. I think homesick is normal, and now my challenge is to deal with homesick stuff. 
Meykke Santoso

I'm a passionate teacher, an excited blogger, a newbie traveler and a grateful wife. Nice to see you here! I write for fun. Please, enjoy!

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

Terimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.

Terimakasih .... :)

  1. I think what you need is some friends, people who can make you feel like you belong there.

    1. yes, but here 'friends' is such a rare thing Nis @.@

  2. keren nih, udah bisa mandiri, tinggal di tempat yg berbeda dari ortu. btw aku suka blognya kak :) pake bhs inggris, aku jg lagi belajar buat persiapan un! thx a lot! i am the one of new members of BE.

    1. iya nih, mumpung mudyaaaa...hehehehe..wah, makasih ya Hudaaa...iya alhamdulillah kalo berguna postinganku di tengah statusiasi hati ini..

  3. Balasan
    1. thank you sooooo much Ginty!! Yessss, I absolutely will!

  4. sama persis sperti yang gue alamin pas msuk pondok pertama kali. bedanya gue masih bnyak temen yang senasib sama gue.
    yah, ssuatu yang baru itu memang butuh proses untuk membiasakannya. jadi nikmatin aja
    mslah lo nangis, sma aja sih kyak gue. pas gue di pondok, gue jarang nelponan sma nyokap, soalnya pas gue denger suara nyokap, tiba;;' aer mata gue keluar dgan sendirinya

    1. enakan lo temennya banyak tmen sama nasipbyaa..bisa saling sharing Mad, lagu gue??
      tapi emang apapun dinikmati ajaa,,,setiap fase emang harus dinikmati sih ya Mad...waaah, kalo aku tiap hari niiih telpnan sama Ibuuuk sama adeeek, behehehehehe

  5. ya aku juga sama seperti itu dulu, merasa asing namun ketika kita sudah terbiasa dengan lingkungan baru kita itu jadi tidak masalah, kalaupun pulang harus berhitung untung ruginya haha , rindu memang bikin nyesek tapi rindu membuat orang yang dirindukan makin mempesona :D

    1. iya the most important thing I have to get used to my curret situation here now..behehehe
      ah, bener sekaliii...jadi tau betapa berharganya orang tuaaaa... :D

  6. Sick on the home. <- me.
    Kadang, saya berpikir menyenangkan kalau berada di tempat yang jauh dari rumah. Kamu pasti akan bertahan. Ini baru penyesuaian, bukan?

    1. waaah, kita kebalikan dong..tapi aku jga dulu kek kamu sih, and now I can succeed being far from my safe box!!
      iya ini penyesuaian and I start getting the beaaaat!!! :D

  7. Aku juga sering homesick :'( semua orang pasti pernah ngerasain dan hal itu normal-normal saja, apalagi waktu keluarga nanyain kabar ke kita rasanya pengen banget langsung pulang, yup tapi tetep semangat ya kak :D Keep smile

    1. iya bener banget Yunitaaa..hehehe..iya tetap semangat, keep smile dan jogetCaesaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! teng teng teng...

  8. Latian jAdi wanita dunk. Kan kalo kamu deket ama rumah terus semua masih ada nyiapin . Kalo jauh gt. Semua pekerjAAN kamu kerjain sendiri. Home sick itu wajar untuk seorang anak yg sayang keluarganya. Tapi homesick akan berakhir dg indah bagi mereka yg pantang menyerah

    1. iyaaaaini lagi latian nih Neeem..behehehe mumpuuuung....
      iya, aku pantang menyeraaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!

  9. Yang sabar, cari banyak temen dan kegiatan. Pasti ngga homesick-homesick banget.

  10. dont give up. you can do it :D keep smile. :D

    1. yesss, I surely do!!! keeeep smileeee and dance Caesaaaaaaaarrrrr !!!

  11. udah disebutin tuh sama semuanya, cari temen, cari sahabat baru, ang buat kamu ngerasa lagi dirumah, dan bisa sikit-dikit ngilangin homesick :D

    1. iya, masalahnya cari sahabat baru di jekardah tu suzaaaaaaaaaaah..behehehehe...but I like it now!! I get the beaaat!!!

  12. Semua orang kayanya bakal ngerasain hal yang sama deh saat baru pertama kalijauh dari ortu. cuma masalah adaptasi mungkin kak. U just need some friends :)

    1. iya, masalah adaptasi ajaaah...well, I have to seek for new friends, but where?? @.@ I enjoy it though! :)
