*balang air dibungkus
plastik dikasih tepung di dalam
*nggak bisa mengelak,
hiaaaaak dyess dyesss!!
*basah kuyup
*dibalang telur 22 biji
*nggembeng, nangis di
*pulang, kandakke Ibuk
Wow, omaigot!!! I can
believe it! You are so old now. What??
You have reached 20,
added by 2. You are 22 years old!! Wekekekeke...
Remembering that you are
the oldest among us, kakaaaaak...we are going to say “Happy the Happiest
Birthday Ever!!” for you.
Without realizing that
time goes by totally fast. I still remembered how we were so unyuk unyuk going
to school and going back from school together while wearing such a precious
uniform together full of laughter and happines in labile mental.

It was such a wonderful
youth, wasn’t it?? yes, a bit ngisinke, though.
Now, we are growing up,
growing mature, and growing bigger :D
And now, you have been a
mature woman since 22 is not adolescent, you have already been adult with many
burden put on your shoulder.
Well, my best friend of
my best friends, we hope all the best for you.
From : Ellena
Ha ha happy birthday, my
sweety Dany..Semoga lancar koasnya, lekas jadi drg (ajari aku, suhuuuuu ^.^),
amin amin amin...Love you so much! :*
From : Umami
From : Meykke
Sugeng Ambal Warsa, Dan!!
Semoga hidupmu penuh berkaaaaah, sehat raga dan jiwa, dan semuanya bisa
Wish you can be much more
solehah, approaching God and approaching your dreams one by one. Believe that
Alloh SWT is always there for you everytime and everywhere.
Wish you reach every
single dream you have. No matter how hard it would be, remember God and
remember that you can get it through successfully.
Wish you are better in
every way. Smarter, more beautiful outside and inside, more patient, luckier,
healthier, richer, more mature, more fashionable, more lovable, more diligent,
wiser, more loyal, and many more.
Semoga didekatkan dengan
segala hal yag berkah dan baik, dan dijauhkan dari segala hal yang buruk dan
Last but not least, hope
you have happy ending relationship!!! Long lasting, supporting each other, and
happy ever after. Yeahhhh!!!! You two can do it!!
And, hope we four can
keep in touch, get along, and keep the friendship until we grow old!! We are
supporting each other when we was in senior high school, when we are struggling
in university, and we are going to support each other when we run our job and
reach our dreams, everything will go the same when we get married, have many
children, and take care of our children.
Hope you have a totally
wonderful life!! We live only once anyway.
Be blessed and be
blessing for all people around you.
We love you as always.
Hope we never change although the situation will as it always does.
*berpelukan kayak
*cium pipi kanan kiri
*foto bareng
*dada sama video anak
anak di matahari
*ngasihin kue ulang tahun
*foto sama kue
Meykke, Umami, Ellena
nyahahahaha .. itu ucapanku kurang 1 kata "amin"
happy b'day kakaks pertama :D khukhukhu .
makan2 yok !!!! *todongpakecium
ditunggu paketnyah sampe jogjaa .
sukses buat sidangnya besok tanggal 10 ! (ak juga _ amin)
tumben seph todong pake cium, biasanya sini mumumu situ jawabnya iyuuuh...wekekekeke
BalasHapusayo jalan bareng ayo ayoooooooooooooooooooo:D
kan spesial . cuma sekali doang setaun . wkwkwkkw
BalasHapusah, itu buat Dany. BUat akuh manaaaa???wakakaka...
Hapusbarokallahu fii umrik dany.. harapan saya sama deh kayak harapan meyke dan teman2 kamu :)
BalasHapusAamiin..makasih Mbak Din doanya buat Danyy... *bighug :)
HapusMana nih Dany nya kok belum nongol? :(
otanjoubi omedetou dani chan. ganbatte ne :)
BalasHapusbtw. yg eksis make jilbab sedari SMA itu si umami ya? makin kiyut sekarang ditambah pake kacamata gitu. :)
oia, si elena juga tuh. kenapa nggak dari dulu aja make jilbab. lebih ketjeh taukkkk... boleh deh mey dimodusin si elene :3 *dilempar granat sama elena* :(
hehehe, iya si Umami udah make jilbab sejak kelas 1 SMA. dia seumpama cikal bakal penjilbapan hidup kita berempat. hehehe..you know, you are with whom you make friends. :)
Hapuswehehehe, hobimu kok modusin orang mulu Ben. modus tu bukane garis tengah suatu garis bilangan?? *krikkrikkrik
modus tu ukuran terbesar dari suatu sampel, nduk :p *nyambung2
Hapuswahahahaha, modus itu hewan yang suka disembelih waktu idul Adha khan nduk...*krikkrikkrik
Hapushuaaaa foto2 unyu2 kitaaaa :3 mihihihik. dengan gaya "piss" (gaya yg paling sering kita 'pose'in wkwk) unyuuuuks :* amin amin amin semua doanya di-aminin ^^
BalasHapusI Love You, You, You, All of you lah pokoke :* miss yuuuh
iya, kangeeeeeeeeeeeen banget rasanya sama hari hari lampau itu, nduuuk.... Aamiin...
HapusI LOve You All, too...ganbatte!! fighting!! SEMANGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!
waaaah...aku jadi merasa mudaaa...*loh
BalasHapushappy b'day mbak danny, semoga sukse...^^
wah, Heny sukanya bawa bawa umur deh..:p
Hapusaamiin, makasih Hen :*