Finally !! After doing all the stuff such
as lesson plans, teaching reflections, dealing with senior high school
students, and other jobs related to Teaching Practicum for approximately 4 months,
now all is just over !! 
For the very first time, I was absolutely
happy because I could be put at my senior high school which saves all memories
I had when I was there, SMA Negeri 1 Salatiga. I once wrote about that ! HERE !
Then, I got mentor teacher named Mrs. Lucia
who taught me English when I was in first grade of Senior High School. Although
she is a detailed person compared with the other mentor teachers, but I felt
grateful because she helped me a lot in doing all the teaching stuff there.
About the children, well it can not be
denied that there are many who were difficult to handle, but there are many who
cooperated a lot with me. And I also once wrote about my students in X-H HERE and about their ‘impressions and suggestions letters’ HERE . I
got very grateful with all I gained there, especially I felt touched because of
what they wrote and they hoped for me. In my life, that’s the second time I got
such sweet letters and I felt very special. Gomawo for that, for my students.
It is my students !
It is when I taught. Miss Risma took it for
me !
Actually we took many many photos during
those days because our coordinator, Miss Risma and all the members ( I think )
likes capturing themselves, especially ME ! Haha..
We love photos, we love memorizing beautiful
things, and here we were. It’s actually our last meeting in the school before
holding the “PenarikanPPL” stuff. We took photos inside the office we used to
gather and did our job !! Yeay!
To have such a beautiful background, we
also took pictures in the ceremony field with all the poses we could do. And I
will miss such a thing!! Love it so much!
Once we took pictures inside the
teacher’s office in the “Penarikan PPL”
event. It was held in that office altogether with all teachers, with my senior
high school teachers, and I though that well, life must indeed move on. Many
other things are waiting for me in front of my eyes now, and I feel I am ready
for that!
There are many photos also, but I haven’t
got it from Miss Risma. I will post it straightaway once I get those memorable
photos in my memorable event !! Yeay!!
I got many experiences, many lessons, many
knowledge, and many memories there together with the teachers, partners, and
the students. And all the stuff there just reminded me about how beautiful my
senior high school time was! The togetherness of the students reminded me of
the togetherness we had 4 years ago, with the same uniform, the same age, the
same feel.
It is like recalling my past when we sat in
front of the class, when we took pictures with the teachers, when we played and
ate ‘tepak’ together, when we laughed, when we enjoyed the youth.
Everything was just beautiful and I wanted
to feel it one more time.
Realizing how grateful I should be to have
those kind of things, memories, feelings, and everything in my short life. What
a life !
Blognya bagus dan thanks sharingnya.
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