Review : Oriflame Tendercare Chocolate

Review : Oriflame Tendercare Chocolate
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Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Assalamualaikum, the world!!

How have you been so far? Fasting is FUN, huh? I feel at ease and gratitude covering me everyday. And with that gratitude I write on this entry. About what? Make up review!! Hehehe..

Honestly, I’m not someone who is mad at putting on make up. I started getting used to put on make up since approximately a year ago. Because my friends put on the make up, I want it, too. Actually there is no my closest friends either my closest colleagues or closest senior high school friends who like to put make up (Yes, it was. But now my two closest colleagues began putting on make up, too :D). My other colleagues do, like this blogger. Click to see. Click!

And also, my colleagues become The Oriflame Beauty Consultant who being reseller of Oriflame, so I try to buy one of their products and I get used to put on make up until now on. so, I am not expertise in such a thing. But then, it is okay to share the thing I know to be able to learn together with you, pals!! I do know that once I go to the work-world, I need to pay attention to my appearance, I am preparing right now. I am learning, and will keep learning until it works out, really work out on me. Until I can get what I wish :D

Now, what am I going to review??

Oriflame Tendercare Chocolate Protecting Balm.

As I remember I never buy Oriflame’s product without sale. In other words, I wait until the products I want is put on sale. Hahaha… remember, I have to fit in my passion on make up or everything to money inside my wallet. :D

So, I get this thing by paying 17.500, 5000 rupiah more expensive compared with Oriflame Tendercare Vanilla Protecting Balm I bought some months ago.

This is the product.

It is my third time to buy such a thing. Really, it works so well for my lips. It is totally easy for my lips getting dried, so I have to find out product that can cover my lips all the time, and my lips will remain moist. And I have found it out!!

Actually it is useful not only for the lips, but also for the other skin’s part of your body such as your dried part in your face, a skin behind your nails, and much more. Since I have new one which I will use on lips, I use the vanilla one to moist my feet’s fingers and my hand’s fingers just before going sleep. It contains beeswax and vegetable oil which is effective to moist and turn back your smooth and soft skin (said the advertisement).

It is highly recommended because you can put it in your beauty case, the shape is so cute and sophisticated, and easily brought in everywhere. You can cover your lips or whichever you want everytime you need.

Moreover, when you are fasting like these days, you do need this Tendercare so that your lips will not get dried although you don’t drink for the whole day. So useful, isn’t it??

That’s it!

Hopefully can be so useful for you!!:D

Wassalam, happy fasting!!

Friday, August 3rd 2012 10:46 AM, my blue room

Meykke Santoso

I'm a passionate teacher, an excited blogger, a newbie traveler and a grateful wife. Nice to see you here! I write for fun. Please, enjoy!

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

Terimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.

Terimakasih .... :)