Where I'm living in now is not good for my mental development.
I wish I could go out from here every morning, and come back when noon comes, unless I will get hypertension. Sometimes I hate my behavior, how I cannot be patient, how negative thinking fulfilling my mind. And one way to cure it is going away and staying in positive environment with people I can immitate., with people with good way of thinking. I need it. No matter how many motivation books I read, if I stay in damn environment, it never work out. Everyday I feel stressed out. It seems like there is a huge ball in my heart, about to explode or it will turn into disaster!!
Morning Thought 06.05.2012
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Minggu, 06 Mei 2012
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more_vertTerimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.
Terimakasih .... :)