Pulang kuliah kemarin kebetulan bertemu dengan teman SD ku. Menuntun seorang anak kecil cowok berusia 5 tahun dengan muka berseri dan duduk di seat di sampingku, bagian depan bis kecil. Larut dalam cerita cerita masa SD dulu dan juga masa sekarang. Lalu, dia berkata,
“Kowe kapan mbak?? Tak tunggu lho…”
Akunya mesam mesem.
“Wah, aku isih suwe…”
Dia menambahkan,
“Saiki kan koncone kita uis do duwe anak, mbak… Sri, Fita, Gendro,Elfi, Brina, (diamenyebutan satu per satu nama yang sudah jadi ibu atau pun bapak.)”
Jadi inget sama si Anita tempoe doeloe. Waktu masih SD dia paling hobby sakit perut. Lalu, kalau sudah begitu, aku dan temen temen lain yang didaulat jadi dokter kecil akan menuntunnya menuju UKS. Sepenjang perjalanan dia bakal nangis nggak stop stop. Dulu dan sekarang kalau dirasa rasa emang sangat beda. Si Brina itu kalau waktu SD hobinya berantem cakar cakaran sama aku di depan kelas 3. Cuma waktu itu kasusnya nggak bakal panjang sampai pengadilan bak kasus Depe dan Jupe. Paling pol dinasehatin guru kelas.
Dan dia tetap mengakhiri kalimatnya dengan,
“Besok aku ojo lali diundang lho, mbak…”
Aku nggak tau ya ini yang mana yang udah punya anak, yang mana yang manggil mbak. Kalau ibunya manggil mbak, anaknya manggil apa??? Tante??? OH NO!!!
“Mesti, Nit…tak undangi. Tapi aku isih sue lah Nit…” mesam mesem
I think getting married is not that simple. Just have a wedding, have a baby, and live as long as you could with your child and your child’s father. there would be so many many problems you have to get through in building a new family. As I know, that is so hard.
Getting married, for me is not a piece of cake like what they did. or may be my mind is too complicated compared with them. Everyone must wanna get married once in their life, so do I.
I want to get married in a right time, a right condition, and with a right person. And live happily for the rest of time together. Feels so sweeeet. I don’t wanna end up with a person who doesn’t love me truly. (Aku ngomongin apa sih ni.=.=”)
Sometimes, may be because of something bad, I feel so afraid thinking about this thing. Thinking of who is he?? With whom I would be share everything?? How could we fit in each other??
My best friend said
“4 tahun ki ra sue lho, mey… “
She wants to get married after graduate and work for 2 years. Expecting of a perfect love, it doesn’t merely expecting a perfect person since there is no perfection existing in this world.
Quote says “Jangan mencari orang yang sempurna untuk dicintai, tetapi cari orang yang tidak sempurna untuk dicintai dengan sempurna.”
I do know, I really know. I myself is far from ‘perfection’
“Lha kuliahe isih brapa tahun mbak?”
“2 tahun insyaAlloh, Nit…”
“Uhm…isih sui ya… tapi aku ki senenge sok nak aku masih 30 tahun kan anakku uis 15 tahun, isa jogo aku…”
Aku : mesam mesem
“Iya ya Nit… hehehe”
Something I believe for sure is, there would be time I would have such kind of life, but of course not now. My future is waiting to be reached.
Sometimes, my senior high school bestfriends and I talk about getting married. We imagine that we would have totally cute babies and live nearly each other. So, our babies would be best friends as we do! We would have a big house with a swimming pool inside and a very large garden with blossom full color flowers.
Dan kita pingin bikin piala bergilir yang bakal dikasih di setiap pernikahan dari masing masng kita! kalau sampai bikin beneran, it would be so fantastic!!:D
Hey, that’s only a 20-year-old-woman’s imagination when the college life seems so boring.:D
But, of course we will attempt to reach every goal we have set up. Cheers for a bright future!!
19.10.2011 06:35
Marriage life isn't so hard like u think. I've prove it :)
BalasHapusbut u are still young girl, don't think about it much, just focus on your study to reach every goal you have set up.
nice blog anyway :)
Okay, hehehehe
BalasHapusyes!! of course I will study hard and achieve every single plan and wish.:)
Thank you, nice comment anyway :))