Yesterday everything seemed so boring, had nothing to do except writing this entry. :D
Instead of daydreaming or such a thing, better for me to watch some video tutorials on how to wear a square hijab, and of course I tried to imitate the way they wear a hijab, and took some pictures afterward.
It is just my creation inspired by those videos and yah, maybe it looks not to good. But, it’s ok, namanya juga coba coba:D
So, just check this out!:D

hopefully this holiday I can find out many new things and try them out. Hopefully time by time I can be better in every aspect of life.
Welcome 20….^^
Thank you for watching….
Accompanied by “stick with you”
wuaw.. apik say. cantik cantik. :* ak juga pake tp beda model d foto fbkyu..
...tengkiyu ya say...ayo ayo ngeblog ajah di share ke whole world. hehehe
BalasHapusTerimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.
Terimakasih .... :)