I have a little sister, she is so clever, and something interesting about her is she is soooooo narsistic. Although she is still 4 years old now on, but if my camera ready to capture her, she has many many poses which are so funny…
Yesterday when she was going to attend a marriage wedding in my town with my parent, she wanted me to capture her in front of our house. Without saying anything, she just posed and cekrek cekrek.This is it!! My little sister with her all confident, exciting!!
But I’m sorry because the pictures are not high-quality pictures, because a high-quality camera is still in a shop. :D

See?? How narsistic she is.. every day when I’m home and she has just taken a bath, she always ask me to capture her, and she said :
“Mbak, ngko lebokke pebuk ya mbak..pebuk…”
“Upload my pictures to facebook, sist…”
She even knows about facebook, although she says it as pebuk!
When my mom was pregnant, I was angry with her because I didn’t want a young sister anymore..
I was so young at that time, and now, I am already a woman (I hope), and I am so grateful having her beside me and make my days cheerful and full of passion to be better and better :D
Thank you, GOD…
Thank you, ALLAH SWT….
With kisses, meykke….:D
03042011..10:25 PM
Home sweet home
She was so NARSIS!!!!
BalasHapusShe's just like you sep! absolutely!!
ehehehehe, yes, of course! we are so cute, huh?? hahaha